Sustainability and CSR

Global warming and climate change is a huge concern in present times. There is a dire need for adoption of environment-friendly techniques in all sectors. PMK has always made that it's a priority to safeguard the planet earth, by encouraging sustainable use of resources, by driving innovation in project development, and by promoting concepts of recycling and reusing of water and other consumables. Pmk focuses on incorporating the effective use of renewable energy and has made efforts towards zero emission. Our desire for sustainability in building practices allows us to create structures that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient.

In the 45 years of our presence in the construction field, we have integrated corporate self-regulation in our business models and have embraced responsibility for our actions. Pmk has also funded various environmental and socially responsible initiatives and is working towards an innovative and a safe sustainable future for all, with the ultimate goal of improving our society and people's lives.

Saving Water
Recycle and renewing water during construction
Zero Pollution
Zero Emission
Reduce Wastage
Recycling waste materials
Social Responsibility
Funding Environmental Intiatives